Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pakistan, War, and Obama's 100 Days

A short post today, as we're a bit pressed for time. We got word of an apartment which needed cleaning out, and boy does it ever. Apparently the former tenant possessed several cats and dogs... and a goat. No, we do not jest, a goat. Still, free stuff is free stuff; we don't call ourself a frugal Scotsman for no reason.

Within the first one hundred days of U.S. President Barack Obama's term, he's behaved more or less as we expected. He's been busy, busy, busy: cutting deals with the super-huge banks, handing blank cheques over to American International Group, nationalising automobile manufacturers... and otherwise cementing our opinion that he is the Herbert Hoover of the 2007 Depression. A quick read even of President Hoover's wikipedia page shows eerie similarities between policies of these two Administrations.

But the one thing that President Obama hasn't done, which we were (and are) expecting him to do is to start a new war. Quite the contrary, he seems to be actually ending the occupation of Iraq! However, he has ordered a 'surge' in Afghanistan, which will probably end badly. Afghanistan is the meat-grinder of the world, where over-confident militaries are broken, defeated, and taught some humility in the process.

The only place which might be worse to invade than Afghanistan is probably Pakistan... and we have the sneaking suspicion that the U.S. may be 'invited' in by the Pakistani government to help 'secure' the nation against 'the Terrorists.' The rumblings for such a thing are already evident, at least to us, in articles like this one from the Associated Press. We suggest keeping an eye on the situation, as it could become very exciting very quickly if the U.S. decides that Pakistan needs 'assistance.'

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