Monday, June 1, 2009

GM: The Next Part of AmeriCar

With Chrysler firmly in the morass of bankruptcy restructuring, GMAC under the financial control of the U.S. Federal Government, and General Motors on course with its own bankruptcy court, we feel confident saying that the foundations of AmeriCar - our pet name for a Soviet-esque national car manufacturer - are almost complete. GM, according to the Obama Administration, will be 60% owned by the Federal Government, effectively making it a national auto-manufacturer. Please do not believe the Administration's promise to 'exit' the car business when GM is "bank on its feet;" that would shrink the size of the United States Government, and would run counter to the trend of increasingly large Government ever since President Andrew Jackson.

At the same time, the TARP programme will likely be made permanent, as expected; it will turn into a revolving loan facility for the Government, to nationalise - oh, pardon, "invest in" - various enterprises throughout the U.S. With various banks itching to pay back their TARP loans, the Government will have money to blow on other ventures. We suggest that Ford start watching its back: it's the last independent American auto-maker, which makes it the last major piece of AmeriCar. After Ford is nationalised, we posit that various car parts manufacturers and service providers will be next on the menu. The Obama Administration has already implied this, as it has put a Federal guarantee on all GM and Chrysler warranties... and one cannot fulfil a warranty without the expensive parts!

Eventually, we expect that GM, Chrysler, Ford, and a slew of parts manufacturers will be eventually consolidated into our concept of "AmeriCar." This will be an abomination of mis-managed, corrupt, resource-wasting 'manufacturing' not seen since the fall of the Soviet Union... and it will end just as badly. Simply put, the Obama Administration is betting the farm on a near-term recovery in the U.S. and world economies. There are problems with this attitude.

The Administration pinning its hopes, reputation, and trillions of dollars on a quick end to this 'recession' is asking for disaster. The Government seems to be unaware that this economic calamity is something altogether more potent. Nevertheless, we wouldn't be surprised if the Administration indeed orders its pet car manufacturer(s) to produce around 10 million cars a year, but we would like to ask the President from whence he thinks the citizenry will have the money to buy these spiffy new vehicles.

Because this Depression is destroying the citizenry's ability to produce income, the last things they will want to do is spend their dwindling resources on additional un-needed automobiles. If anything, people will: keep their cars longer; own fewer cars (say, one); share cars, either informally or through farsighted corporations like ZipCar; or, totally discard automobiles altogether and use public transportation, bicycles, or their own two legs.

We can't think of any reason why AmeriCar should outlast the Obama Administration; it just doesn't seem feasible to keep up such extraordinary waste on such a colossal scale, but it will probably happen anyway. In all honesty, we are putting the AmeriCar fiasco as one of an increasing number for which President Barack Obama will leave office in disgrace... as well as lay the foundation for a new Franklin Roosevelt to seize the presidency.

P.S. To the Government: in order to have a successful car maker, reference Tesla Motors. Their $100,000+ Roadster has a fifteen-month waiting list.

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